Answer the following question about the movie:
- What's the message of the movie.
- What's the meaning of the infected people?
- What's the meaning of the final decission that Robert took at the end of the story?
- What would you do if you were in the same situation, linving alone on a city, and you don't know if there is anybody else?
- Why is Robert a Legend?
22 comentarios:
1/The message I left this movie is´´The fact that your neighbor does suffer harm himself. He who helps others helps himself´´
although htere are times we feel alone in life, we must bear in mind that just because we are not there ayone in any place which is waiting for us.
2/The meaning of the death of te people was a virus that was in the air and the person is desesperate not to defile and laugh out of the city which any form.
3/ robert the decision by the end of the movie was to give woman the antidote to cure her people to survive after the disaster and he was killed by cannibals
4/If I was alone in a thoroughfare to do what I can do when there are many people, eat what I like, dress like I want, see the program that I like without spending a dime. but if I discover that I was never alone would kill me.
5/ROBERT is the legend because he was the only one who found the cure to save people who survived.
- the message you leave this film is that he who fears suffering is already suffering the fear, therefore, we must be willing to fight for everything and let the fear of side bearing in mind that every problem is a solution to improve the situation.
- the meaning of death of people was the dispair of making it safely to their families before the virus that plagued the city at that moment that was killing hundreds of people.
- the decision to take Roberto at the end of the movie was to the liquidate the lives of cannibals, to avoid that people become infected with virus, but before this happens to a woman will give a blod sample for to take her to the mountain where people were able to survive.
- If I was living alone in a place and a similar situation happened to me was something very difficult to face but would seek by all means the way of placating the problem, seek help in other people or entity.
-He is a legend because he was the person who acted with intelligence and had the patience to endure that situation, and also was able to help hundreds of people who were not infected.
Mildreys Arrieta
So Guy ! Wut Are U Waitin´?
It´s Bored...Be On Line..And Not Found Anything !!
Are U Waitin´4 Me ? Lol..Coz I´m Waiting 4 U !
Lol...LeT´S Do It !
Hello People..
So I think that the message that teaches this movie is: although a person is alone in the world, without help or support of the others people, this person shouldn’t decline. Neither, can left that the problems wins him. For the contrary should leave ahead and always to help to another person, without to think in to receive something to change. As Robert did, he gave his life for other people.
2.The infected people meaning the problems and difficulties that appear in the life. In this case Robert’s the infected people were the troubles that he had that face and to defeat.
3.The decision that took Robert was the best, although was sad because he fought too much. I was waiting other result, however, he found the antidote for the virus, but he couldn’t apply it, because he was closed by the infected people. The unique form was to give the antidote to the woman to save other people and he die.
4.I can’t imagine being in this situation, is a thing difficult to face. I think that this trouble only can to face god and Robert in the movie.
We are people, weak, sometimes and incapables to face the problems in which the mayor reason is the life.
Always appear different troubles that finish with our life, we don’t looking for a good solution.
5.Robert is a legend:
•Although, he was alone in that town, without help, he faced the problem.
•Because he found the antidote for the virus.
•Because he die for giving the life to another people.
well people i'm honest , i couldn't get to understand the really message about this movie but i'm think that the situation happend on it is truly hurt situation and the final desicion took for him is hurt too ; cauz this man became a suviver alttough he dead......
att: laura canencia aguilar
For me, the really message of the movie is a "PERSONAL TEACGHING" in the true life exist moments where we're feeling lose, without strength and without estate of mind sometimes; as robert in the movie, but you shouldn't decline and never say never, cauz is the worse that you can do with yourself.....
ohhhhh peple i forgotten it in the last part of my firt coment is " altough he die " i'm so sorry thanks you ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ rode, key and gina you know me ..... jajajajajajaja
the simple meening of the" dead peple" on it could be "people infected for the virus that attakced everybody on it" but for me a better meening for this is the bigs troubles , end problems that he confonted for save lifes and finished with them ; but he didn't it , he found that the best away to finished them was give his own life.
att: laura
Hii..I´m Here Lol
Really 2 watch that movie was wonderful… is incredible to catch a big social problem in a film …
I could say about da message, that people around the world think, when we have a problem never could solve them… I learned that though we have difficult situations, exists in the life at least a way of face it, if in this life we have a some dreams for reaching...we should fight 4 them, don´t brother us da barriers..And continue with our dreams!
The infected people that appear…refer to da adversities on our way when we wanna achieve something; in this case it was to give the antidote 4 da healing of the virus…But I Didn´t like the decision to the final in da movie… I know that it was the unique form 4 finishing the problem… but we relate that decision with the message is something contradictory and confused…Coz I think that the idea is Not give up ourselves, Without forget in someone case result impossible to continue…although was a good idea…Give the antidote 2 da woman … 4 saving the other people and let´s begin a new life…that’s meanin´… Though we couldn´t continue ... to allow that other people do it if in our hands this one... being able to help.
I could say that the man was and is really a legend…coz the people who he saved …will be always grateful with him by what it he did!
And their memory will remain forever his desire 4 living and the desires for saving the rest of people without mind to die!
4 finishing… I wanna answer the most interesting question for me … that depends of the situation…such as:
If I am alone in the world 4 one day...Some of thing that I´ll do is go out to walk up with few clothes… I’ll steal chocolates in da candy´s store Wii...I´ll Happy if I haven´t clean my house…Lol But only 4 one day…
The other situations will be… if I am alone like the actor I’ll die of sadness and loneliness; for couldn´t be with my family friends who are very necessary for our life, for being happy and coz they are who we face our adversities on our way…
Hey Lau Don´t Worry !
I Know That U Are Really...Laure ! Lol
But i think that u forgot to answer..bout what would u do if u are alone in a place...!
ahmm Gina I´m Waitin´4 Ya !
s decision to take the man in the movie is to give his life to save the most, when you lost someone as always trying to save the one hand atu. So grab Solom what great people that are willing and able to help is to be strong
all can be
the message of the movie is that despite being only a deve never surrender, loch rod to find what the problem salucion
well, if i were living alone in a place, I would go crazy, althought sometimes I prefer to be alone there is always a moment in which men need the company of others.
Anyway, I would look for a way to survive and I would enjoy all which I would not enjoy before. jiji.
that´s all.
att: María Angélica Otero González
I think that for my msn that gives this movie it is that though we think that we are alone in those problems that always it does not make us calm, we must look for this force that we have but do not look for her ..... to think with cold head and look for a better solution or an exit these poblemas that it us torments.
Ex-: let's say that the dead men living are the problem that does not make us calm and the woman is this force that so much we need but that we do not look for for her....
Good this is what I think not if this one well.
2: They are called it a legend for that was the only one that could survive with the dead men living in addition it(he,she) could find the cura of this epidemic
Good i'm very very very impressed to see the movie that i could not imagine how someone can to live in one place like that, in this codicion, is encouraging to see how one person fight and no matter the outside i think that is something that leaves a lof a teaching and the people usually depend to other people and we dont survive alone :( i found interesting to have the mental capacity to make decision to live. Thanks Roger for this film i found very exciting and the only idea is to survive in the life and overcome all obstacles bye...
So...Anne U say That he overcame all obstacules in da this reason we should do the same...but i don´t think so ! Hey..He Died ! Coz he didn´t found the solutions 2 continue living ...only to u think to die is the better solutions 4 resolve our he did ...?
well, key im appreciating the offor that he made...just this ok only that...
Ahmm..Yes I Know, but u dídn´t answer my question...
Do u think to die is the better solutions 4 resolving our problems he did..!
...and he gave a new oportunity to the humanity to survive and rebuild the cities estableshing his legend!!!
just in this case key... is one Glorius act...what do you think about :D !!!...
Yes..Tha´s Right... i think that to die isn´t the option 4 resolving the problem.. but in the film it was the unique form ! 4 saving 2 another people...
Ok, guys, i liked your opinions, but don't you think the message of the movie is deeper. Think about the idea of the sacrifice he did for human beings. To be more clear, this sacrifice reminds me to Jesus Crist but in a different way, i mean, the second sicrifice of Jesus but this time is a "Nigger" one. Think about it. What do you say?
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